
Anunt Diamant Claudia Nastacă

Claudia Nastacă - organizator de cursuri din Timisoara pentru copii, ateliere pentru copii

Don’t mess with a bartender!

Detalii petrecere/concert

Petreceri / Concerte
acum 4 ani si 3 luni
Apartine de


Vineri 24 februarie 2012 

Voteaza & Distribuie

Prezentare petrecere/concert

Dear Friends,
This Friday, the 24th of February, in Fratelli Lounge & Club, it’s a different kind of party!
“But we’re gonna have fun, right?” – you might ask. “Well of course we are going have fun!”
The “special guests” of this Friday are none other than Fratelli’s bartenders!
They are our drink suppliers, secret keepers, dance partners, confidants and friends in ALL the wonderful moments we share in Fratelli! So this Friday night it’s their show! They specialize in “drinking games” so you should not mess with them!
On Friday, the 24th, after 11.30 PM, our good friend DJ ZOOM will provide the proper music, and Fratelli’s bartenders will take care of your empty glasses!
See you, Fratelli & The Bartenders

Anunt Diamant Euroinstal

Euroinstal - Aeroterme si convectoare, Aparate de aer conditionat, Boilere, Calorifere, Cazane, Centrale termice, Panouri radiante, Panouri solare, Pompe de apă, hidrofoare, Pompe de caldura, Radiatoare, Sobe si seminee, Termostate, Tevi si robineti, Ventilatoare